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St. George´s British International School

Education at St. George's

At St. George's, one of our principal aims is to prepare every student to live successfully in a globalised world, and educational excellence plays a key role in achieving this goal.  We employ highly qualified, experienced teachers and use the most appropriate teaching and learning methodologies to identify and maximise each student’s individual talents and abilities. 

We provide personalised attention to every student and offer an all-round, integrated education, helping every student to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to achieve their full academic potential.

Educational excellence at St. George's School is based upon innovative and continually evolving teaching methodologies, a broad and balanced curriculum, an outstanding teaching team, and an excellent support structure. This includes our SEN Department which provides support and guidance for students, teachers and families. 

These elements unite to provide a structured and forward-looking teaching and learning environment in which our students, and the school as a whole, can grow and thrive.

Key Stages in learning

The British education is divided into learning Key Stages as follows:

  • Early Years Foundation Stage (ages two to five)
  • Key Stage 1: Primary Education Years 1 & 2 (ages five to seven)
  • Key Stage 2: Primary Education Years 3 & 6 (ages seven to 11)
  • Key Stage 3: Secondary Education Years 7 & 9 (ages 11 to 14)
  • Key Stage 4: Secondary Education Years 10-11 (age 15 to 16), culminating in IGCSEs
  • Key Stage 5: Years 12-13 (ages 16 to 18 years), culminating in A-Level examinations

Key Stages