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St. George´s British International School
Secondary School

The Secondary phase at St. George's

At this vital stage in their academic journey, our students start to gain real control and ownership of their learning. Our innovative teaching methods encourage students to develop their technological skills as they complete research projects both individually and in groups. They learn to question and challenge information, and to defend their ideas and opinions in a factual and rational manner. They begin to conduct active individual research and continue to develop their developing critical thinking, problem solving and collaborative skills. 


Moving to the English National Curriculum

In September 2021 we begin the progressive conversion of St. George's into a British International School at all stages of education up to and including Baccalaureate. Currently, our pupils follow the Spanish system from Year 11 (4th ESO) onwards, and the transition to the English National Curriculum will be completed in 2025. The English National Curriculum is made up of two Key Stages in secondary education, Key Stages 3 and 4. 

We believe that responsibility and self-discipline are essential tools.